marie Jose motto 

Marie Jose De Mulder uit Poppel ruilde enkele weken geleden het gure winterweer van onze gemeente voor de schitterende landschappen van India waar de temperatuur overdag rond de 30° C schommelt.

Ze overhandigde daar in Hyderabad het bedrag dat ze had verzameld bij allerhande activiteiten en sponsoren om de zorgvuldig uitgekozen goede doelen financieel te steunen en bezoekt er ook persoonlijk alle projecten.


Brief van Father Joseph.

We kregen dan ook een aardig dankbriefje van Father Joseph Chirathara, de Provinciale Supervisor van de Holy Spirit Fathers waar Marie Jose nauwe contacten mee onderhoudt.


Our dearest and loving Marie Jose,

We extend to you our heartfelt and sincere thanks for all your love, care, concern and financial help for the orphan kids at Hasnapur, India.

We are grateful and thankful to the GROS, Ravels for their very generous contribution of EUR 980,00

for the construction of the Hostel for the orphan and poor Girls at Hasnapur, India. 

Your help came to us, when it was most needed.

Now we have completed the project and the little homeless girls are already staying in the hostel.

Mrs. Marie Jose gave our Society a total amount of EUR 14.000/- (Euros fourteen thousand only) for the construction of the Girls Hostel.

Please accept our sincere and very much thanks fullness from the little girls and from all of us here in India.

We are also very much grateful for the different contributions from the villagers, friends from Belgium, France and Netherlands, a total of EUR 6.500 was collected. It is really great and we appreciate it very much.

Thank you again and we assure you of our daily prayers for you and for all your good works for the poorest of the poor people around the world.

Yours Sincerely,


Fr. Biju Joseph Chirathara ALCP/OSS

Provincial Superior - India Province



Verantwoordelijk uitgever:

André Jansens
Korte Wijkstraat 1, 2381 WEELDE

Mail adres:
Telefoon: +32 (014) 657298
Mobiel: +32 (0) 475 97 94 13     



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